Archivo: Sensory Urbanism and Placemaking: A Virtual Reality Approach to Creating Place - Arquitectura y Diseño
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Sensory Urbanism and Placemaking: A Virtual Reality Approach to Creating Place
Ver conferencia AQUI
Jueves 19 de Noviembre de 2020 5:00p.m (Bogotá) / +9:00am (Melbourne)
A cargo de Beau B. Beza
Dr. Beau B. Beza is Deputy Associate Dean, Teaching and Learning in the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment Deakin University, Geelong, Australia. He is a Registered Landscape Architect with a Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture (University of California, Davis), a Master of Urban Planning (University of Melbourne) and a PhD (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology). His research aim is to understand the social production of space and its realization. He has more than 15 years experience in teaching/research and has widely published works in urban space production.
The Sensory Urbanism (SU) project developed an experimental prototype that accounts for the sensory and intangible aspects of place, by using an immersive Virtual Reality (VR) platform. The SU prototype was developed through a placemaking design research studio investigating the multi-sensory/temporal aspects of (urban) place with professors and design students from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá and Deakin University, Geelong, Australia. The work on this prototype has gone on to become a research area in Place Making Using Virtual Environments ( at Deakin University's Mediated Intelligence in Design (MInD) Lab ( This lecture will present the approach used to develop the prototype and findings from stage two of the SU project, which further tested the prototype in New Zealand and Singapore.